Method for terminating the sequence which returns true only if the given predicate matches all of the elements in the sequence
The function to test against
True if the given predicate matches all of the elements in the sequence
Method for terminating the sequence which returns true if the given predicate matches any of the elements in the sequence
The function to test against
True if the given predicate matches any of the elements in the sequence
Method for terminating the sequence while calculating the average of the elements Note: This function returns null if the sequence is empty
Average of the elements in the sequence or null if the sequence was empty
Method for creating a new sequence where the elements are chunked into arrays with each array containing max of 'chunkSizes' elements
Max size of each chunk
New sequence with arrays containing the sequence's elements, with their maximum lengths restricted to the given chunk size
Method for terminating the sequence while counting the number of elements
Count of the elements in the sequence
Method for creating a new sequence containing only unique values
The Function for selecting a key for uniqueness, defaults to identity
New sequence containing distinct elements according to the input function
Method for creating a new sequence containing only the elements that match the given predicate
The predicate to test against the elements, if it returns true the element is kept in the sequence
New sequence containing only the elements that match the given predicate
Method for terminating the sequence and getting the first element from it Note: This function returns null if the sequence is empty
The first element of the sequence or null if the sequence was empty
Method for creating a new sequence with elements after applying the given flatMapper function
The function to apply to each element
New sequence with elements after applying the given function
Method for terminating the sequence and applying a function to each of the elements
Function to apply to each of the elements
Method for terminating the sequence and performing a grouping by operation on the elements of the sequence Note: This is the same as calling groupBy with Grouper.toArray()
Function used for extracting the keys of the result
The result of the grouping
Method for terminating the sequence and performing a grouping by operation on the elements of the sequence
Function used for extracting the keys of the result
An instance of a Grouper object, defaults to Grouper.toArray()
The result of the grouping
Method for terminating the sequence while joining the elements together using the given separator
The separator used for joining the elements, defaults to empty string
The final joined string
Method for terminating the sequence and getting the last element from it Note: This function returns null if the sequence is empty
The last element of the sequence or null if the sequence was empty
Method for creating a new sequence with elements after applying the given function
The function to apply to each element
New sequence with elements after applying the given function
Method for retrieving the largest element from the sequence Note: This function returns null if the sequence is empty
Function used for extracting the key from the object to compare against, defaults to identity
The largest element in the sequence according to the keySelector or null if the sequence was empty
Method for retrieving the smallest element from the sequence Note: This function returns null if the sequence is empty
Function used for extracting the key from the object to compare against, defaults to identity
The smallest element in the sequence according to the keySelector or null if the sequence was empty
Method for terminating the sequence and partitioning the elements into 2 arrays according to the given predicate
The predicate to test against
2 arrays where the first one contains the elements that matched the predicate and the second one that didn't
Method for terminating the sequence and peforming a reduction on the elements of the sequence
Used as an 'initial' or 'base' value
Function used for combining the accumulator and the current element
Result of the reduction
Method for creating a new sequence while skipping 'n' number of elements
Number of elements to skip
New sequence with the first 'n' elements skipped
Method for creating a new sequence that skips elements until the given predicate returns true
The function to test against
New sequence that skips elements until the given predicate returns true
Method for creating a new sequence where the elements are sorted based on the given comparer
This function has the same properties as the comparer function given to Array.sort
New sequence with elements are sorted based on the given comparer
Method for creating a new sequence where the elements are sorted in ascending order based on the given keySelector
Function for selecting a key property to be used for sorting, defaults to identity
New sequence with elements sorted in ascending order based on the given keySelector
Method for creating a new sequence where the elements are sorted in descending order based on the given keySelector
Function for selecting a key property to be used for sorting, defaults to identity
New sequence with elements sorted in descending order based on the given keySelector
Method for terminating the sequence and calculating the statistics of the elements of the sequence
Object that contains the sum, count, min, max and average of the sequence
Method for terminating the sequence while calculating the sum of the elements
Sum of the elements in the sequence
Method for creating a new sequence with a specific amount of elements
Number of elements to keep in the sequence
New sequence containing the first 'n' number of elements
Method for creating a new sequence that takes elements until the given predicate returns false
The function to test against
New sequence that takes elements until the given predicate returns false
Method for terminating the sequence and collecting the elements of the sequence into an array
An array containing the elements of the sequence
Method for terminating the sequence and collecting the elements into an object using the key & value selector functions
Function used for extracting the key from the object
Function used for extracting the value from the object
Takes 3 arguments: the key, the old value and the value we're trying to insert at the moment. Defaults to throwing an error. Return value is the value that gets inserted as the value of the duplicate key. Default is to throw an error
An object where the keys are populated using the keySelector and the corresponding values are the values returned by the valueSelector
Function for creating an empty sequence
Sequence with 0 elements
Function for creating a sequence of elements using the passed in array source
Input elements
Sequence populated from the input array
Function for creating a sequence of elements using the passed in elements as the source
Input elements
Sequence populated from the input elements
Function for creating a sequence of elements using the input generator Note: This generates an infinite sequence
A function that when called returns an element
Sequence with elements being populated lazily from the input generatorFunction
Function for creating a sequence of elements using the seed as a base value and then applying the generator function to it, until the limiterPredicateFunction returns false Note: This generates an infinite sequence if the last parameter is ommited
The initial value of the sequence
Function to generate the next element of the sequence
Optional parameter, defaults to always returning to true (meaning that it's infinite)
Sequence with elements being populated lazily
Function for creating a sequence of numbers using a non inclusive number range generator
The first value of the range
The last value of the range
Default is 1
Sequence from begin-to stepping with increment
Function for creating a sequence of numbers using an inclusive number range generator
The first value of the range
The last value of the range
Default is 1
Sequence from begin-to stepping with step
Generated using TypeDoc
Sequence class, used for creating, manipulating & finishing sequences Sequences are created using static factories